Monday, January 27, 2020

Technology to Reduce Employee Stress

Technology to Reduce Employee Stress STRESS BREAKER METHODOLOGY AND SYSTEM ANALYSIS DESIGN DOCUMENT INTRODUCTION Computers are extremely proficient devices in that they help us with accomplishing more work in less time yet taking a shot at a Computers can be intense on the clients body and brain. This type of work can be stressful and can cause health issues related to brain. Stress is characterized as the bodily and intellectual reaction to intense conditions. Stress is one of the blazing issues that organizations have to deal so that employees can easily produce quality work [2]. Many researchers are of the view that stress has a negative impact on employees performance but at the same time researches have proved that some stressful work conditions are critical to keep employees productive [2]. Stress cannot be eliminated completely as it serves as a driving force if kept at a certain level, so stress needs to be managed [1]. The main focus of this article is to review the literature about the effects of stress and its consequence and how work stress can be managed by taking frequent short breaks in what way music helps to overcome work stress. The relevance review is presented here below. OBJECTIVE Fortunately, stress can be managed by taking frequent short breaks but users often forget to take breaks. As a potential solution, an application will be developed, that gently notifies users to take a break and plays users favorite music based on their consent. This application will be incredibly useful for a lot of people who often forget to take breaks and could increase their productivity. METHODOLOGY In simple terms, methodology is nothing but a system of methods used to develop Application.   The main goal of these methodologies is to make the process more predictable and efficient [11]. Software Development Process Model (SDLC) It is a process of creating or altering information systems, mythologies and models [6]. The Software Development Process Model used to develop this Application is LINEAR-SEQUENTIAL LIFE CYCLE MODEL. It is also referred to as a Waterfall Model. In recent times, the prominent methodological approaches for developing software for a computer based information system are the popular traditional linear-sequential life cycle model [4].As the name itself specifies that the Application development process will be in linear sequential flow. Waterfall model uses a linear approach and is suitable for sequential or procedural design. Fowler [2] confirms that waterfall model divides application based on activities: requirement analysis, design, coding and testing. In The Waterfall approach, complete process of Application development is divided into separate phases. Each phase must be completed before the next phase can begin and there is no overlapping in the phases. The phases involved in waterfalls model are five and they are analysis, design, implementation, testing and operation and maintenance [4]. Fig. The phases of a Waterfall Model (Adapted from Pfleeger and Atlee [4] The sequential phases involved in stress Breaker application development are: Analysis: Analysis describes that what are the requirements needed to develop software system. In general terms it refers to requirement analysis or gathering [1]. This is the first phase in which requirements are gathered from building stress breaker Application. The requirements include Functional Requirements Non- Functional Requirements A functional requirement describes the functionality of the System that is what the Application does with the computation. Use cases are a means to typically capture functional requirements in UML. USE CASE DIAGRAM Represents Dynamic behavior of the Application Use case diagram consists of Actors Use Cases Relationships USE CASE DIAGRAM FOR STRESS BREAKER APPLICATON Steps of execution 1.The user runs the application. 2. After Time event a message box will be displayed The message box contains text and buttons 3. The user can click any button based on his choice Listen music button Cancel button 4a.The user click Listen music button. User gets choice to select the music folder from his desktop Displays playlist message box User has the choice to select previous song ,Next song and Stop song 4b. User click cancel button. Message box is closed Description The user runs the application on his desktop after a specified amount of time period the application executes and display a pop-up Message box. The Message box contains a message and  two buttons. First button has text Listen music when the user selects it, he has a choice to select a  song from music folder from his system. After selecting the music folder a playlist will be displayed providing the user with three more option buttons. The first button is to play previous song. The  next button is for Next Song. Third Button is for stop song. If the user is too busy with his work  or any other important project he has a choice to cancel the message box window by using the cancel button. Functionalities in stress breaker are:   1. The Application executes and displays a pop-up Message box.   2. The Message box contains a message and two buttons. First button has text Listen music The second button is for cancelling. 3a. If the user presses the listen music button user had a choice to select any music folder in his system. 3b. After selecting Music folder user has a choice to select songs of his choice. 4. If the user clicks cancel button the message box will be closed. SYSTEM DESIGN System Design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements and also helps in defining Overall system architecture. NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Unlike functional requirements Non-functional requirements place constraints on how the system will do .They refer to application non-functional properties, system qualities such as security,accuracy,performance,cost,usability,adaptability,interoperability,reliability and so on.. Typical non-functional requirements include: System information used to develop this application OS Name-Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Version-10.0.14393 Build 14393 Processor-Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5300U CPU @ 2.30GHz, 2301 Mhz,  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s) Installed memory (RAM)-8.00 GB (7.88 GB usable) System type  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   -64-bit Operating System,x64-based processor State chat Diagram It describes different states of a components in an Application. State chart diagram describes the flow of control from one state to another state in an application. Implementation This phase is concerned with the physical construction of the software as set out in the design stage. Software requirements needed to develop this application are Programming language Python was chosen for the development of this Application Python 3.5 is used in implementing the code for this application. Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language [10] [9] [6]. It is fast and powerful programming language and it is portable. Python scripts can be used on different operating systems such as: Windows, Linux, UNIX, Amigo, Mac OS, etc. Python is open source .Even though all rights of this program are reserved for the Python institute, but it is open source and there is no limitation in using, changing and distributing [3]. CONSTRAIN REQUIREMENTS GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI) This application is designed using python graphical User Interface (GUI) named Tkinter. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Tkinter is a standard interface that is distributed with Python interpreter. It provides the essential tools for designing GUI. Generated GUIs are in pmw format and they have a similar look on the different platforms. Tkinter are the basic interfaces for designing GUIs in Python [3]. PYGAME MODULE In python programs, code normally contains functions and variables. So when the user quit from our interpreter, all definitions are lost. As user codes get longer, it gets very inconvenient to redefine all the values for variables. To solve this problem, the user has a solution: To support this, Python has a way to put definitions in a file and use them in a Script or in an interactive instance of the interpreter. Such a file is called a module. Module: A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements [5]. Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing games and multimedia. It is highly portable and can run nearly every platform and operating system [5]. In this Application pygame feature are used for playing songs. It contains an excellent function for controlling streamed audio. The music module is closely tied to pygame mixer. Here downloaded mp3 songs are converted into the OGG because mp3 support is limited. On some systems an unsupported format can crash the program [7]. INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (IDE) IDE used to develop this Application is Pycharm. It is one of the integrated development environment (IDE) used in python programming language. Programming code used to develop this application is interpreted in pycharm. Installation process: Step1:Download python 3.5 from python official website based on users operating system Step 2:Install it on users system Step 3:Download pygame from python binaries Location [12]. Step 4:Go to python IDLE folder and then scripts and paste the pygame files in that location Step 5:Go to command prompt type PIP install pygame Step 6: pygame is successfully installed n users computer Step 7: Go to pycharm official website [8] and download pycharm and install it. INTEGRATION AND TESTING After the implementation phase the coding is tested by using pycharm debugger and interpreter. MAINTENANCE After the delivery of the Application, a schedule maintenance and support is put into place, to ensure the Application continues to work as designed. ACCURACY AND PRECISION Since this is a desktop application there is less percentage of failure. Cost: This application is inexpensive to develop because the main requirements, develop this application that is python, pygame are open sourced. They can be downloaded for free from their official website. Usability This application is easy to use. Look and feel standards: Pycharm provides many keyboard shortcuts to run the Application F5 To run the python Application in python (IDLE) Alt+Shift+F10-To run the python Application in pycharm Alt+Shift+F9-To debug python Application in pycharm. Modifiability One good thing about python Tkinter is it has many GUI properties available that make the application even more attractive and efficient. Extra GUI properties that can be added to this application is color texts, scroll bar, bold text and many other features. Response time The response time depends on the user choice. Since, this an alert application which breaks the employee stress. The response time depends on the time set by the user. For example, if the user wish to have breaks for every 50 minutes. Then the response time of the application would be 50 minutes. That is after every 50mintues a pop up box will be displayed specifying the user to take breaks and listen the music of his choice. Activity Diagram Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to represent the flow from one activity to another activity. Processing time The processing time for this application is quick. When the user click the listen music button with in no time delay it automatically opens the folder window so that user can select music folder. When the user selects music folder, it imports all the songs from the music folder and display on the playlist. Overall performance time to run this application less than half minute, which is a very short time. Advantage The main benefit of using a waterfall model in developing stress Breaker Applications is it is inexpensive and quick. TOOLS INSTALATION STEPS TO INSTALL PYTHON3.5 In order to use Python, user must install python on his/her computer. Go to the python website Click on the Download   menu choice Click on the Python 3.5 Once user downloaded the file , open it.(Double click it) Installation starts Click finish to exit the installer. STEPS TO INSTALL PYGAME User should make sure that his path variable includes both python directory and the scripts directory. Go to Click and download pygame package (64bit/32bit) Go to python IDLE folder and then scripts and paste the pygame files in that location. Now user is ready to install pygame. At the command prompt, user should make sure whether he is in the same directory of python and the type pipinstallpygame: Successfully installed pygame. STEPS TO INSTALL PYCHARM Go to Select IDE Option and select python ide for professional developers. Click on download Select the operating system. There is community and Professional edition. Based on user preference he/she can download it. It starts installing The user needs to accept the license. Successfully installed pycharm. CONCLUSION The purpose of this review was to study affirms that workload is one of the reasons for Stress that can be decreased by taking short breaks and Listing to employee choice of music. Stress cannot be completely eliminated, but can be decreased. A simple solution to this is developing an application that help users to overcome from stress by notifying them to take breaks at regular intervals and indulge them in a brain refreshing activity like listening to music. REFERENCES [1] Bennett, S., McRobb, S. Farmer, R. (2002). Object- Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Using UML Berkshire: McGraw-Hill Education. [2] Fowler, M. (2004), UML Distilled a Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modelling Language, Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. [3]Masoud Nosrati, Sahneh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sahneh,Python: An appropriate language for real world programming , World Applied Programming, Vol (1), No (2), June 2011. 110-117 ISSN: 2222-2510  ©2011 WAP journal. 110 [4] Pfleeeger, S.L. Atlee, J.M. (2006). Software Engineering: Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition. US: Prentice Hall. [5]Nizamuddin, Shreshth Kumar, Rishab Kumar, RESEARCH PAPER ON ENDLESS FUN, Dept. Inform Technology, SRM University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, May. 2016. [6] Rob, M.A. (2004). Issues of Structured Vs. Objectoriented Methodology of Systems Analysis and Design. Issues in Information Systems, 5 (1). [7] [8] [9]Programming Language Trends OReilly Radar. 2 August 2006. [10] TIOBE Software Index (2011). TIOBE Programming Community Index Python. [11]Ronald G. Wolak, System Development: Research Paper 1 SDLC on a Diet, to Nova Southeastern University, April 2001. [12] CONTENT This paper mainly focuses on Methodology needed to develop an Application which helps the user to come out of stress by providing breaks in regular intervals and listen to user favorite choice of music. The software development process model used to develop this application is linear sequential life cycle model. The phases involved in waterfalls model are five and they are analysis, design, implementation, testing and operation and maintenance [4]. In analysis phase all the requirements are gathering in order to develop this application. The functional requirements in stress breaker application are The Application executes and displays a pop-up Message box. The Message box contains a message and two buttons. First button has text Listen music the second button is for cancelling. If the user press the listen music button user had a choice to select any music folder in his system. After selecting Music folder user has a choice to select songs of his choice. If the user clicks cancel button the message box will be closed. In design phase all the hardware components, system requirements are listed above such a Ram capacity, operating system and processor. The operating system is Windows 10, Ram capacity is 8.00 GB and processor is Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-5300U. In third phase that is implementation phase all the software requirements that are needed to develop coding are listed such as a programming language, integrated development environment, software. Programming language is python 3.5, IDE is Pycharm, python module is a pygame. The development code is tested in pycharm IDLE. This Application is easy to maintain and inexpensive, because all the software components needed to develop this application are open sourced and can be easily downloaded and installed. So stress breaker application is easy to maintain and easy to use.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Google Search: Needle in the Haystack Essay

Searching for information on Google is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Is that true? Was the library of the 19th century more efficient? Explain. We have access to more references in less time by searching for information on Google versus using an index card system in the 19th century library. A historical example is the traditional card catalog in a library, which essentially did not contain any raw data itself, but instead had a series of cards organized alphabetically so that each card pointed the user to a book that might contain the information for which he or she was searching. Much more common today are the metadata in Web sites that encode data so that the user can identify and retrieve desired information. (Bowles 2010). In this statement, libraries depended on an alphabetical card system to direct researchers to resources and references to possibly attain the information they were looking for. Once they found the books or encyclopedias they were looking for, they would still have to manually skim through to see if the information was sufficient to their search. With Google were able to type in exactly what we’re looking for and have immediate results. Google is like a virtual everything encyclopedia that has answers for everything. The more specific you enter your search the more specific your result will be. The only downside is having to decipher which searches are reliable and accurate on Google because of all the websites that allow people to add input and personal opinions versus just factual information. How is searching in a specific database, such as Ashford’s library, different from searching in Bing, Google, or Yahoo?  There are two main types of online information databases that you will encounter. The first is a public domain database, which is entirely free and open to anyone with a computer and an Internet connection. The second is a proprietary database, which is accessible only to someone who pays for a subscription or belongs to an institution that purchases a membership (Bowles 2010). Bing, Google and Yahoo are examples or public domain databases and Ashford Library is a proprietary database. Information on the Internet was created for many purposes such as to inform or persuade to present a viewpoint, and to create or change an attitude or belief. Although when used properly, credible information can be obtained through search engines- not everything recovered is from a credible source. Ashford Library is from a scholastic source and the information found within is from credible sources. Social networks allow people to connect for a variety of reasons in a digital environment.  You might join LinkedIn to meet business contacts, MySpace to find a band member, or Facebook to see pictures of old friends and meet new ones. Whatever environment you decide to be a part of, posting information about you has become an issue of concern. What are those concerns? I mean what is the big deal about privacy? Social networking seems to be the new fad of the century. From Myspace, to Friendster, to Facebook, to Twitter- more and more of us flock to these sites to see what’s going on around us. But a lot of us are unaware of the privacy issues that come along with logging and posting onto these sites- such as me. I didn’t really see how serious privacy issues were until I took this course and read the many articles regarding the many privacy concerns of using social media sites; such as where you’ve been, what you’re listening to, what you’re interests are, who you’re associated with, when you’re not home, where you live or work, what your family looks like, etc. When it comes to these sites, there’s no such thing as privacy. You register your personal information and it’s permanently embedded into the internet. I’ve been a victim of social media. I’ve posted things on the internet that I wish I hadn’t and till this day, I have things on the internet that I just can’t seem to delete. I have certain things on my Facebook that I don’t want to world to see but keeping everything personal and private to just a certain group of people is almost impossible when it comes to social media.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Education as a social institution

Although today we learn basic but Important things we need to know In order to be accepted In society. Through education social Institutions we learn to read, write, and speak; these seemingly simple tasks are tasks we need for Just about any occupation today. Education as a social Institution affects me every school day. On my academic days I take part In education as the student, while on tech days I take part In education as the teacher. I really like the teaching style In the united states: also I enjoyed learning about the different teaching styles used in other parts of the world.Japan's teaching style was very intriguing to me. I believe the U. S. Would benefit immensely from taking principles from Japan into our educational social institutions. I was fascinated with the solidarity with the group that is stressed in Japan's education system. I'm impressed with how much responsibility the Japanese children have, and would really like to see our younger generations grow up to be like that too. As a teacher, the rising problems in U. S. Education worry me as I think about future generations. I feel that mediocrity is mediocre.I strongly believe that students should work hard for their grades, and not get them handed to them by lowering the passing grade. If we continue to lower the grades our population will become less educated. I am also concerned about the violence in our schools today. Safety wasn't always an issue in schools, so why have we allowed so much violence in that it is an issue? Seeing a cop pace through halls with a mission is intimidating to students, and wouldn't be happening if there was no violence at all in schools. I believe schools would do more to prevent violence from even coming close to schools.On the other hand, as a student, I'm guilty of being accepting to grades I get when a teacher uses a curve. As a student I take advantage of education as a social Institution. Although education is a very critical part of a student's life, I feel all of us don't give it the credit it deserves. Education as a social Institution teaches us more than English, Math, and Science; our schools teach us norms, taboos, and how to behave In our culture. I believe education Is the most Important social Institution In our society. Education as a social institution By allowing If you think about it, we would not get very far in life if we didn't have education social institutions. It's understandable that obviously earlier societies did it before education became a social institution. Although today we learn basic but important things we need to know in order to be accepted in society. Through education social institutions we learn to read, write, and speak; these seemingly simple tasks are tasks Education as a social institution affects me every school day.On my academic days I take part in education as the student, while on tech days I take part in education as the teacher. I really like the teaching style in the United States; also I enjoyed wouldn't be happening if there was no violence at all in schools. I believe schools institution. Although education is a very critical part of a student's life, I feel all of us don't give it the credit it deserves. Education as a social institution teaches us more behave in our culture.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Differential Association Theory Essay - 1739 Words

Over recent years, school bullying has become an important issue and underlying factor for more serious circumstances like school shootings, suicides, and countless student dropouts. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 160,000 kids per day do not attend school for fear of being bullied (A, 2013). With such a high number afraid to attend school, it’s not hard to see how this behavior drastically affects their quality of education and overall school experiences. Bullying can also produce physical responses such as headaches, stomach pains, anxiety, and possible depression, which in turn can affect the student’s self-esteem and sense of belonging. An issue causing such extreme emotional and physical pain is often addressed by schools†¦show more content†¦The American SPCC (American Society for the Positive Care of Children) provides relative risk factors for students more prone to bullying including, those perceived different from their peers, such as bei ng overweight or underweight, wearing glasses or different clothing, being new to a school, or being unable to afford what kids consider â€Å"cool†, those seen as weak or unable to defend themselves, with low self-esteem, and less popular with few friends. SPCC also provides the other end of the spectrum on characteristics of those who bully others including, those prone to aggression, with less parental involvement and supervision, have friends or peers who bully others, and view violence as positive and powerful (A, 2013.) The criteria for those who are the target of bullying and those who perpetrate the bullying are considerably opposite. Small and shy students are most often picked on by larger more popular students whose behavior is encouraged and reinforced by peers. Given these norms, DAT will help better describe the connection between behavior and the act of bullying. Sutherland proposed a list of principles for DAT that are discussed in Nancy Herman’s book â€Å"Deviance: A Symbolic Interactionist Approach† and provide an explanation of why individuals engage in criminal behavior (Herman). First, criminal behavior is notShow MoreRelatedDifferential Association Theory Essay1671 Words   |  7 PagesThis essay will discuss three theories, the differential association theory, the labelling theory and the rationale choice theory. The theories will discussed and how they can explain crime will also be discussed, and then a comparison of the theories will be given in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses in explaining youth crime. Theories within criminology try to explain why and how crime occurs. 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